Friday, December 22, 2006

They Don't Know

Jenn's recent nostalgia kick has inspired my own. I actually had a dream about He-Man and She-Ra last night. My brother gave me the first volume of Voltron on DVD and that has really fueled a passion for recalling my childhood. I love terrible 80's animation. I can't speak for anyone else in my terribly in-between generation but I do not know where I would be without the lessons learned every afternoon on the television: Thundercats, Voltron, Silverhawks, He-Man, Gummi Bears.
If you think about it they are all about surviving. All of them are basically the same idea: a special enclave of people (or cats, or whatever the hell the thundercats were) surviving on their own. Facing life on your own terms. Of course He-Man which is basically about being gay. I mean, really. Prince Adam's secret life as a leather daddy is pretty obvious to even the most dull 8 year-old and the sword, please you could not pick a more phallic symbol for him.
I wanted to be a Gummi Bear so bad it kind of bordered on a personality disorder. It wasn't so much the gummiberry juice, though that would have been cool. It was the buried the gummi cities and miles and miles of those primitive gummi bear subways! How cool would that be? To have a whole city to yourself? Awesome!

Speaking of nostalgia I spent today dancing around my apartment rocking out to this:


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