Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.

Ahi quanto a dir qual era é cosa dura
esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
che nel pensier rinova la paura!

~excerpt from Inferno I by Dante Alighieri

Ok so I am not exactly "nel mezzo" of my life but it the rest of the quote fits really well. I am so freaking bored! I need a job in the worst way. The vacation feel of this time off has ended somewhat abruptly. I feel rudderless and adrift. It is very strange after eight years of really hard work I thought I would enjoy being free for a longer period of time. Sadly that is not the case, I am stir crazy. I need a job before I go insane. It is so hard to figure out which direction your life should go. I keep waiting for a giant hand from heaven to point the way while secretly knowing it will never show up. It doesn't help that I live in the Orange County of the East Coast. Where everything hinges on how much money you make and how expensive your car is. It seems like there is no room for a member of the artist caste up here. Everything is so expensive and fake and everyone is so self-involved and unhappy. Sorry didn't mean to sound so Dawsony but the mood struck.

Some other random information from my trials and tribulations:

~Finally got the new Fiona Apple album, I heard bits and pieces when it was leaked onto the internet a while before it was released but didn't remember much. I usually hate the way recording artists can play the "record companies are the devil" bit but I really like the album, it is very Fiona Apple, not destined to win her new fans but simply to please the fans she already has.

~Saw Reefer Madness the Movie Musical. While not the best musical with a few great and a few bad performances it was a lot of fun. Ana Gasteyer has a great voice, I would have loved to have seen her in Wicked.

~My folks and I saw the National Tour of Les Mis at the National in January. For those of you who haven't seen it, the first act occurs in real time. Literally twenty-five years pass before intermission. And we saw the reduced version! We saw the standby for Valjean and Threnardier but both were really good. But the sound sucked, there were several late mic cues that really pissed me off and the kids were terrible.

~In the packing and unpacking trauma that was the month of January I realize that I have lost the fifth season of Buffy. Which is a terrible, terrible thing. I am truly lost without it.

~I am slowly been sucked into the television. I have fallen in love, in absolute love with the television show Wonderfalls. It airs on Logo. Yes I watch the gay channel, and No I'm not proud. I watched the mini-series Rome on HBO. It was great. I want to be a bitchy roman domina.

~I am currently on my 5th cell phone in a little over a month.


Blogger Brian said...

I too have discovered television during my post-Barter bliss. My new favorites are Project Runway, American Idol, & CSI

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God you finally wrote something. I was convinced you didn't write anything because you knew I checked this thing, or you were dead. Both equally terrible. I heard you were here, and not even a hint that you were here from NOBODY, until you were gone. I'll try not to take it personally. I'm trying very hard to use correct grammar and spell everything correct, because I can feel your judgement.

It's a different world without you, brother.

Wish you were here.

Hope all is well.

Michael Fish's Next Door Neighbor.

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. I know it should be "correctly"

10:14 PM  

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