Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Week My Way

Tech week just ended . . . this was a tough one. Sound has been a huge pain in the ass. The show sounds like the performers are singing through duvets. This week it seemed like the tech staff got together and decided that this would be the week the drive me insane. Wednesday ten minutes before our run through I called the ME/Sound guy to see where he was and discovered that he was at lunch with his father and wasn't planning on coming in. Seriously. Then he came in and put two of the four actors in mics and then snuck out! So I was calling a run thru and trying to teach my assistant how to mix a musical! That evening we had several lighting instruments that were out and the ME/sound guy kept saying "I have to replace the bulbs in those" Every time he said the word bulb everyone on the run crew would say "lamp" it was like a game of Marco Polo in my own personal Hell.

The absolute best part of the whole week was when the producer yelled at me(in front of patrons no less) because my "standards are too high".


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