Thursday, January 20, 2005

Kyrie Eleison

This is such a sad day for America . . . but there is a ray of hope - on Wednesday Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) followed up their tough questioning of Condi by voting "no" on sending her confirmation to the full Senate. Not like that fool Joe Biden (D-DE) who had lots of tough questions but ultimately voted "yes". We need Democrats who will follow up their tough rhetoric with action. I don't want someone to just give me sound bites! Yes, Condi will be confirmed no matter what, but why not show Georgie that the Democrats aren't going to take this second term sitting down. We have to stop just vocally opposing the Bush agenda and ACTUALLY oppose it. And two great ways to do that in the next couple of weeks will be by voting "no" on Condi and "no" on his candidate for Torturer General Alberto Gonzoles.


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